Saturday 29 October 2011


   Takde cerita baru hari ni.

Metamorphosis, dengar perkataan ni seram je ak ase. Buat ak igt balik mase sem1 foundation. Lecturer aku. Ms Jo_an V, suruh bace citer ni. Nampak cam pendek kat kertas dia, tp, huh!! mcm ape ntoh...tulisan habes kecik, dah la divide 2 kolum dia..kalu orang sakit mata mmg jamin ar kena guna kanta pembesor. BTW, ganung kalah 2-1 ngn Nogori..tarikh keramat 29-10-11..igt org ganung!!! next year wat lg molel!! yeah!! kot mane2 pong, klatang no 1 lah.

Oke back to the topic. Metamorphosis dlm kehidupan. Ape tu? Ntoh, ak pun x faham. Meh ak goreng sikit. Mcm rama-rama laa, x knal ke rama-rama? tipu ah x knal. Korang mase kecik2 memang suko benor mwarne serangga ni. Mcm aku kecik2 dulu. Dah lah, tu kesah lame. Rama-rama ni before dia mesti jadi Larva, pastu bertukar dlm keadaan pupa, lame2 jd laa rama-rama. 

   Mesti laa lawa..Waaaah! Sama jgk dlm kehidupan kite. Lau kite sedar kite ni teruk, usaha lah berubah. Mcm rama2 ni, dia brubah slow2, x lah drastik sangat. Kite pun sama laa, xleh brubah scara keseluruhan terus, nnt timbul problems laen. Xkira laa, dengan kawan2 or family. 

   Rama-rama walau dia cantik, dia x lupa asal usul dia sebagai larva yg x seberapa cute tuu. Kite pun, lau dah brubah, igt laa kwn2 lama.

   Apea awok cakap ney...pening kome smue nk bace. Pape jelah. Dalam buku ada tulisan, tulisan digabung menjadi perkataan, dalam perkataan ade erti, dalam erti ada mkna, dalam mkna ada pengajaran.

Ak x suka metamorphosis kali niii.....


Wednesday 21 September 2011


Kat kampung kawe ni kea, ad bnyok sngat lembu. Kalu petea2 kawe puah gak kawe g laa "bendea besar" tempat lembu2 main ramai2. Ore sini jenis pero lembu samo2, sek2 dia lepak2 la petea2 duk wakaf tepi sawoh tuu ble2 tengok lembu sek dio.

   Caro nk lmbu ni senang jah kot. tp keno jd tuan dio dulu laa. Smalea kawe tengok pakcik ni panggil lembu2 dia dari jauh. Ado dale 200 meter. Dio jekoh kato "mari!", pastu lembu mari ramai2. Tp keno jekoh 2 3 4 kali jgk. Lembu2 ni brhungga2  nok g tmpat tuan dio. Suko kawe tengok ^^

   Makanan lembu hok paling special kawe raso supo roti jah. Tuan2 pnyo lmbu duk pakat bui roti jah kawe tengok. Make pun nok keno suap ka lembu ni??? Isyk2..manjo jugok nate gonih. Tp x reti nok puas, ore bagi doh sekor sbutey roti, tp nok lg.

   Sebenarnyo, ado lg hok lembu suko pun kawe baru tahu kelmarin. Lembu ni suko benda2 hok masin. X kira laa gapo pun, asalkea masin. Tuan lembu bukea sajo bagi roti, demo ni ado jgk bg air garam. Tebuk ujung botol gak, picit laa botol tuu biar air tuu tubek, holor laa ko lembu air tuu.. Ganas sungguh, semua lmbu pakat nok minum, siye kawe tengok ko tuan dio keno tolok. Xpo, kawe respect ore nih sbb dio buleh kecek ngn lembu. Lembu ni kea, kalu air garam td jatuh atas lantai pun dio jilat weh. Sedap sungguh bokali. Rumput2 hok x beso make pun dio make kalu dea masin gak.

    Bnyok ag benanyo ak nk cito pasal lembu ni, tp ak xdea lg nii...Pasal gambar tuu, aku upload len kali lah, meme ramai ar lembu tuu..HAHAHA!!! Suko sungguh kalu dea mero lembu ramai2 nih.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Berangkat Sudah

Hey budak..
Walaupun umur aku tua 22 hari daripd hang,ak tetap lebih tua! apakan daya...otak lu lg ligat dpd gua! Bnyk tahun dah aku knal mg, sjak dari mg nk jd pnsyrah, smpai laa mg nk jd doktor..

Terima Kasih sbb bnyk tolong aku..dlm bnyk aspek! kesihatan,pelajaran, smangat, agama dan are the best laa...Haha! Daripada aku mrangkak nk jd plajar yg berjaya, akhirnya mg pimpin ak slow2 n steady...bleh kata turning point laa mase "dulu" tu..sukan aku ok, study pun dah jd ok..Last2 ak dapat gak result yg ok..mmg ok lah..

Kul 7 nnt mg dah nk pegi kan? tinggal laa aku n kwn2 yg len...jangan rindu2 aku plak! xde mase mg nk rindu ak nnt...busy kot, study! name ag nk jd doktor..kena hafal mcm2...

Lagi2 mg kena hafal subjek anatomi hok mg "minat" tuh...Haha! memang terbaek kea otok mghafal..stakat kamus setebal encyclopedia tuh,mg hafal mcm makan nasik jah..kan mg kamus aku slama ni..haha..terimas2!

Mesir...Jauh tuuu....bila laa plak mg balik yer? 6 tahun blaja ni sekejap je kan...masa tuu aku pun xtahu jd apa dah...mgkin dah kawen,mgkin x(duit penting!!) mg pun dah ad 2 anak kot...HAHA!

Nasihat aku:
1.Jangan lupe contact ibubapa.
2.Always doa utk ibubapa.
3.Solat jgn tinggal!
4.Blaja rajin2..igt pengorbanan ibubapa,negara n bangsa!
5.jaga kesihatan diri. First aid kena ad lau bleh.
6.Makanlah bnda yg halal.
7.Jangan gaduh2 dgn kwn.
8.Jaga barang2 berharga mg.Hilang x berganti!
9.Jimat2 laa duit nnt.
10.Jangan sombong bila dah berjaya.

Aku cuma nk tengok mg happy sokmo.. Pilihlah jalan yang terbaik! Pulanglah bersama segulung ijazah yg mg nok dari dulu lg tuh ^^

Kitorang tetap kawan mg sampai bila2!!! Selamat Jalan! Take care!


Puas wey duk dumoh cutii nih..nok derak xleh... Keto xdop ekpown...
Nok naik muto,muto duk U...len kali balik ngn muto ah pulok...bleh derak cuti2 nih...haha!!

duk dumoh bukea wat gapo pom...duk men gitar jah,,puas doh aku men gitar...tengok tB kea bazir maso aku pulok...nok g kebun muto abe ak guno....nok g bandar pon,xdop ptis loni...insufficient fund... duit oh duit,,,

nok meseh malas...nok coling2 pun malas....gewe xdop ekpown,,,haha...nok men fB, xdop orang on9...nok tido, xleh concentrate tdo sbb panas,,,nok mandi sungai..saem2 duk U blako...nok makan bnyk2,xdop makanan sgt dumoh ak nih,,

pastuu...gapo aku nok wat niii???? aduiiii....puas weeeehh!!!   nok derak!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaahahaha!!!

Thursday 8 September 2011


"Mohd Aiman Zaipul Bahrin"

Mohd = Yang terpuji
Aiman = Beruntung

EHem3...Ni ler name rumate aku..  Ape ea ak nk citer sal dia..

Nak citer rahsia dia ke x ea?? hmmmm 

Haha! Mlas aku..

Mohd Aiman ni budak kinesthetic. Dia activ dlm pelbagai bidang yg berkaitan dengan sukan.
Yang pasti dia xleh lawan aku men lompat tinggi!! HAHA!! Aiman ni pernah tewaskan aku dalam acara lompat jauh wey..Skali tu je :p  Korang nk dia men ape? bleh je ape2 pun dia power..bola jaring aku x tahu mcm mn skill dia..AWWWW ....haha..tak3..dia x awww k!

Oke2..kenapa dia rumate terbaek?:
1. Orang pggil sleman(atuk).
2. Suka berhijrah ke bilik orang len.
3. Suka makan coco crunch.
4. Dah d trained tuk kawen ramai:
         -stiap malam pasti tukar2 bilik tido.HAHA!
5. Tido awal.
6. Bangun?
7. Tolong cari kad matrix aku:)   terima kasih bro.
8. Lain2.

malas aku criter panjang2..kan tercerita kisah2 dia plak..xleh2...memear

kalu sape brani lawan long distance dgn dia, cabar ar dia! haha


Sunday 4 September 2011


Ada beberapa perkara aku nk share dengan korang. Nape eak orang x nmpk perbezaan antara cost printing ngn kawan compare ngn photostat kat kedai?

Cost mesti ar mahal print ngn kawan ag. Lau nk guna sama ngn kt kedai, bankcrupt la kawan ang tu.

Lau stakat beza sposen dua tu. Terima je lah..

Kenapa kite perlu akur dengan bnda ni:
1.Jimat mase.
2.Tolong kawan2 berbisnes. 
3.1 cartridge mahal.
4.Dakwat refill pun mahal gak.
5.Xyah dah susah2 pegi kedai.Kat sebelah bilik je pun.Lau nk jimat            __ag..mmg hang ni kedekut nk mampos la..
6.banyak lg lah.

Oleh itu, terima saje lah hakikat ni. Drpd orang tu x ikhlas dan sakit hati mmberi printer-nya digunakan sesuka hati,ade eloknya kita ikut care ni..permusuhan dapat dielakkan.
Fikir mase depan, fikir kawan..JANGAN PIKEY NAK JIMAT DUIT SANGAT!


Tuesday 5 July 2011



ape motif aku tulis gonih? isyk2..berat sungguh..koho lamo koho kuat sbnarnyo ak x tahu nk tulis gapo...
kelu doh...esok ak balik biar ar ak nk kelik..HAHA..jeles ar tuh...buleh kelik make ike dale pingge pete2...kalu versi ganung,," makang ikang dalang pinggang petang2 dengang bining orang dalang longkang tepi jambang yang busuk kohong wok Pajang itang legang macang kuning bawang" =..="

tp op, ak ad test esok..soalan MCQ jah..jah? jah mung oyak? padahal soale po gapo payoh..otok molek...
tp xpo..pukul 11, lmbat ag.. sapo hok raso nok baco physiology lah baco nuh..haha... ni ak duk dengar radio thr "GEGGAR"..habih mood study ak pun ak puas hati nih( habits that hinder thinking)..saloh ko ore len..HAHA..x  baik x baik..

puas eh lok...nok men gitar, tp x reti..nok dengar lagu,, ak x brehi mano...nok men fB, xdop ore laye..nok men skype,, kea rapat pas pagi pulok.. xleh kiro, dea meseh ngn sek2 ak, bnyok laa bual..geggar sapa lingo..haha...

mano MIRO KEMA x mari bilik ak male nih..x tengok ONE PIECE doh ko? laa ajar dio tengok cito gotuh...jange sapa pointer mung jatuh laa,,ak x tanggungjawab..haha...eh2..banyok kecek laa pulok ak male nih...kijo PAI(IS) pun banyok nih..nok kena baco lg..oral test lagi...adusss...keno jawab kot BI laaa...haha..."amareka" sungguh! hhaha...

errrrrr...gapo ag eh ak nok tulis..puas etek nih..ore pun xdop meseh ak..ak pun xdop meseh ore...kena study nih napok gayo..eh2..ak aso nok cito pasal g derak hari sabtu baru nih laa..sebab ada cite mnarik gitu ah..len kali bo kalih..ak pun nok study nih..esok ado test weh!!! 

Monday 27 June 2011

Skype = Dadah

     Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. HUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHU.

   Tengok ah, tulis pun po gapo x tahu. Kayaba sungguh. Ni ar sebab duk maen skype sokmo male2. Kalu duk bice hal bendo pekdoh xpo jugok, ni duk kol ore koksey. Doh laa assignment x wat ag.  Haha! Aku malas nok tulis panjea2 ni, kea sep2 mg x pehe pulok. Haha!!

                                     NGN RUMATE
                                PACOK RMBUT SAPA
                               BEHE NESKEPE HAHA!
                         BICE CALCULUS SAPA MABUK

HAHA!! Berat budok zame loni

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Battle to be the Best!

“I don’t want to have a breakfast there.”
“It is so expensive!”
      That is the words that I always hear in my life. Everyone is concerned about money. I pointed out that all things in the world is expensive except for food!

     I have studied about the cafeterias in one university in Malaysia. The food inside there is so cheap and also delicious. If I want to survive in here, I only need to spend at least five ringgit per day! That is very interesting for me. Actually, people not really thankful for what they get. I saw the students in this university still comparing the prices of the food even though the food in the university was cheap and good in taste. As the effect, the cafeterias in this university had to go through hardship to win their customers.

      In addition, I want to share how to make your cafeteria having full of people. The first thing is you must sell your food and drinks as the lowest price as the other cafeteria. It really works! I did it when I sell the fruits in my village last year. Thus, the students will choose your cafeteria for their meal. Next, your cafeteria must serve the finger licking good food so that the students will prefer to be at your cafeteria!

      Besides, do you ever think of your food? I know this is really weird for you. I mean your food condition. It must always be warmed. This reason is make your food taste will be always delicious and this is also making your customers feeling more appreciated to be your customers.

      As a conclusion, every battle in this world will never have one winner. Once you lose, please keep trying because you are a winner too! Just believe in yourself.

Saturday 19 February 2011


     First of all,let me describe about SESTER in 2010. Do you know that sester place of 2 students per room in the hostel? Yeah! That is the first impression for me.

    The culture in sester is totally different from the other schools outside there. I started to realize that all the students in sester were going on the different cultural practice. Every student need to be very punctual when it is the time for classes. The punctuality is the main thing that should be highlighted.

   Next, the activities in here were quite weird. But not for the activities under the school management. For example is the activity of catching all of the cats in sester and throw them at the fish market. Haha! This makes some students to sob. The other activity is celebrating Durian's Day. I guess all sesterian already know about this. 

   I actually want to share more about sester in here but I really need to go for my dinner. My stomach gonna kill me if I didn't eat on time. Haha! Lastly, we all love Cikgu Jat! AND DON'T FORGET TO CORRECT MY GRAMMAR MISTAKES! ^_^